Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Essence of A Crystal Child

I had the most magnificent experience this week. It came unexpected and very impromptu. I had the opportunity to speak directly with Jessica Schab, The Crystal Child.

Many may know her from The Project Camelot video. How many of us were thrilled and excited to experience the reality of our future first-hand when the video was released? Any lightworker could see it in her eyes. It wasn't just her eyes, it was her entire being. She radiated the world so many of us had prayed and meditated to bring about. There was a purity that shone clearly through as she spoke. A love that transcended what our 3D world typically offered. Others I spoke with could tell there was something special about her from the video, but were often hard-pressed to identify it. We simply understood she was the embodiment of a Crystal Child. We had The Golden Age in our sights.

My opportunity to speak with her came through dearly beloved friends who had interviewed her on their radio show earlier in the week. I was invited into the chat to meet her. Having grown up in the suburbs of Washington, D. C., I RARELY ever get flustered when meeting people of note. I learned at a young age that most of the people in the public eye in powerful positions had quite an ugly side to them; not the type of people that prompted you to respect them. Yet even with all that pre-conditioning not to react, here I was talking to a 26 year old young woman in complete and total awe like I was a starstruck kid again.

Jessica is an amazing healer. Any lightworker knows that all healing comes from love - pure, unconditional love. Having been a Reiki practitioner, I can tell you the higher level vibration of the Crystal Children is way past 5D. If I didn't know any better, I would swear she was an Ascended Master, yet she deals with the same things every person here on planet Earth does. Will I make my plane on time, what's for dinner, where will I be tomorrow?

As she was talking I could feel her energy spreading out amongst each of us. It is a natural, "we are one" energy, the purest love - very Divine center of the universe. I felt it very deeply and it was almost as if I was struggling to keep my vibration up high enough to integrate whatever healing energy my body was able to absorb. I liken it to a scene from "Dogma," one of my favorite movies. At the end, God is released from the 3D body she was inhabiting (played by Alanis Morrisette). She has to deal with the wayward angel Bartleby. Metatron tells everyone to close their ears as the voice of God is so awesome that it would shred the very atoms of their body apart should they hear it. As she opens her mouth and speaks, this is exactly what happens to Bartleby. He explodes into minute pieces of human flesh.

Imagine meeting a such a high dimensional being in person. We could not in these 3D bodies. The cells of our bodies would have to be vibrating much faster to withstand it. Even now, people are saying our DNA is changing into a crystalline base to accommodate the new vibrational level we will be existing in. As I was blessed by Jessica's wonderful gift of love, my body started to feel like it would explode as well...but not in a bad way. There was no shaking or jerking as there is when I'm being activated or receiving downloads from the cosmos. This energy was more akin to chugging down 10 Red Bulls at once. It felt like everything had been righted and you could take on the entire world without missing a beat.

These are the Crystal Children. They have been born into the world to bring about The Golden Age of peace and love. Jessica isn't the only one. You can see it in the eyes of the newborn. Like they have a secret of perfect and complete joy they are keeping to themselves until the right time.

As for me, I found it funny that my abysmal eating habits changed the day before I had this opportunity to speak with Jessica. I had gone to the store and gotten fresh produce and had been eating it the day before. Looking back it almost seemed as though I needed the clarity to be able to receive the energy at the intensity I chose and I somehow subconsciously knew it.

A few days later as I was reading through previous posts in Jessica's blog I came across one in which she talked about how she makes sure all people in a conversation or group are acknowledged. This is her act of love, ensuring we all know how very special we are. As someone who tends to sit back and listen closely for gems of wisdom in that type of situation (i.e. my presence in the call was an invitation, not pivotal to what they were discussing), I was not prepared for this courtesy. Trying to remember something like that when talking to a group would blow my task-oriented, left-brain mind, but it seems so effortless for Jessica to include everyone. This is the new way of love and respect the Crystal Children bring to our world. To me, it is the first rays of The Golden Age ahead.

Having a chance to be witness to Jessica's incredible energy, even though it was over Skype, was an amazing experience I will never forget. It was like witnessing history as it unfolded before you. This was an amazing gift - not one I had put on my manifestation list, but one that was greatly cherished. I can't wait to step into the age where man no longer fights for material goods, where every family can raise their child with plenty to eat, clothes on their backs and a solid roof over their heads. This is the dream we are co-creating and it looks like this dream is coming true. 2012 awaits.

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