Thursday, January 15, 2009

What A Way To Start A Blog

I've been learning a lot about ascension lately. The title of my blog may be "Heading Towards 2012," but in truth it's more about learning to understand different levels of dimensions and how they relate to arriving at 2012.

In the 3D world we don't worry about much. We get dragged into dramas and work only to keep a roof over our head, clothes on our backs and food in our stomachs. We worry about living up to other
peopIe's standards of appearance. I can't think of any person I've known in my entire lifetime (and this year I'll be hitting the halfway mark) who really loved what they did for a living. I was told at a young age to get a job with a good company and life would be fine.

internet took us into what some consider 4D. This is a world where we interact with people on a level not dependent on the physical body. Communication becomes the issue of the day. We gather in family-like groups around on-line video games, informational groups and social web sites.

The 5
th dimension (5D), though, seems to have a much more dedicated component. When one aspires to raise their physical vibrational level to the 5th dimension, spirituality becomes involved. 5D is about pure, unconditional love for one another. This love can be in the form of families or social groups, but it is based in the notion that all the drama of 3D and the remaining judgment held in 4D are left behind.

D living is unique. It is usually a result of much inward searching. It is being aware that what you do to another, you do to yourself. It is the point when you pass a car accident along the road and can't really see what's going on. It's almost like the drama being played out before you is drenched in murky water. You may be able to tell the two people involved are talking to one another, but the murky nature of the incident prevents you from connecting to the emotional attachment of what has happened. It is almost as if a long-forgotten dream were being playing out before you, out of focus and without sound.

5D person sees the light of your soul in your eyes first and foremost. As they walk throughout life, they are compelled to share universal love with everyone. They have this marvelous glow about them that makes you believe the most wonderful thing has just happened in their lives. They are not so much worried about tomorrow, for they are living in the now moment.

They say the days leading towards 2012 will show us what The Golden Age after 2012 will look like. Today, the day I started this blog, a commercial airplane landed in the Hudson River. While some may see this as horrific, I see only the miracle. My son who is one year away from his Engineering-Physics degree told me that if the plane's wings had tilted one way or the other, the smallest amount out of balance, the result may have been extremely different. The plane could have cartwheeled before crashing or become torn apart, spilling it's passengers into the freezing water. Rescue would have become much more difficult and would most likely have included fatalities.

I look at the events of today as what would happen in The Golden Age. What if an accident never resulted in fatalities? What if all the bad things in our lives had happy endings? I know it sounds like a Disney Movie, but I believe it can become real. I believe in a society that cherishes ALL it's population. I believe in everyone having good medical care, a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and always enough of the best foods to eat. I believe in children being assessed for what their true gifts are and celebrated as they learn to use them, instead of the mindless facts teachers try to shove down their throats. I see utopia on the horizon.

The planet is in the process of ascending and our enlightenment along with it. We all have a role to play. I can't say exactly what 2012 will look like, but I know what I hope it feels like. Pure, unconditional love for all - not just those with the money to buy it.

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