Heaven On Earth by Christian Riese Lassen
I've been very lucky over the last few months. I have affirmed since the day my friend Ann introduced me to "The Secret" that I would begin to socialize with others who understood the things I did about this beautiful world and our place in it. While I'm not as social as say a Gemini would be, I do appreciate good conversations about why we are here and what the future holds for humanity.While it's taken a couple of years to manifest, I have found my social nirvana. My nirvana is based in what I refer to as 5D energy. The 5th dimension to me is a place where the typical drama of 3D fades away, giving birth to an all-encompassing vibration of unconditional love.
In my 5D world, unconditional love is a platform from which great creativity flows. I wake up in the morning thrilled to acknowledge the things I have much gratitude for and the friends who share in this wonderful love energy. It permeates my day and even if nothing exciting has happened, I am still as much in awe when I go to bed at night as I was in the morning upon awakening.
There are others in my life who don't understand the premise of 5th dimensional living. I try to explain as simply as I can to my family that choosing bliss becomes a self-fulfilling act. Their pursuits seem so much more spiritual in nature than mine (such as chanting and meditating), yet they can't seem to grasp that heaven is a place on Earth and we have the ability to create it. All I can do is love them unconditionally and hope they will one day find their own bliss.
You can't force the 5th dimension. I believe people have to have that passion and desire to live within that type of love. It doesn't matter what level you are at spiritually, only that you desire something greater. For in the desire, you attract all the tools that will help you on your journey.
As you walk the road of love, your spirit begins to remember a life led without restrictions. Even the laws of time and physics become moot. Once you can let go of those 3D constructs, the vast creative energy of love begins to show you everything you ever were. We are creative beings. We can create anything we desire. This brings us to the heart of the matter.
We, as a society, have the honor of creating the world we desire to live in. We have the honor in this time and space to create our heaven on Earth, not just personally, but globally. All it takes is a deep passion and the ability to see the future we desire. I know this to be true. Having lived all the years I have lived, I have been able to watch as predictions faded away unfulfilled.This is because we have changed our time lines; we HAVE created a better world for ourselves.
I saw evidence of this a few years ago when the call went out across the globe to "Fire The Grid." All kinds of accusations were bandied about regarding the effects it would have on our world. Yet as millions of lightworkers gathered on that day, the energy that flowed between us was clear. Our pure love assisted in healing Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Our pure love healed our time lines and created new ones. And so it was.
Living 5th dimensionally is a choice each one of us must make. It becomes easier as the number of those embracing the higher vibrational state raises. Once people see and start remembering the vastness of their true beingness the rest will fall away.
Our deepest core value is that we truly are all one. The sooner we embrace that notion, the sooner we can get around to co-creating our heaven on Earth; the sooner we can bring about The Golden Age. The dream in your heart of unconditional love will be the reality of tomorrow. That is the joy and bliss of living in the 5th dimension.
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